Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Spread Love

Kids of Immigrants Spread Love Tee, Father's Daughter Patti Pants (similar here), Slides made with Rachel Sees Snails Shoes

MY STORY: When Kids of Immigrants first came out with this shirt, I immediately purchased it at 9PM when it was released. A few weeks later, I received my package in the mail and was overjoyed when I put my shirt on. The day after, I received another package from Kids of Immigrants that looked just like the one I received the day before. I had received two of the same shirts! I was slightly confused due to the deja vu moment but decided that the next day I should return the package to the address on the label. Upon arriving to the address, I couldn't find suite with the number I had put in my Google Maps. I was running out of time since I decided to go before work. 

KOI'S STORY: I thought about it and decided to direct message Kids of Immigrants on Instagram about receiving two shirts. I was sent a response thanking me for my honesty and in fact they would come to my work place to pick up the shirt! After a bit of coordination, Daniel, one of the founders of Kids of Immigrants, showed up at the office door. I returned the extra shirt and invited him into the office. My boss Su and I showed him around the Father's Daughter office and ended up talking for about an hour about fashion, giving back to our communities, and starting from the ground up. It was an inspiring story of how they began their brand and their mission to continue creating, empowering, and spreading love.

Until then,

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